Meeting documents

SCC Scrutiny for Policies and Place Committee
Tuesday, 13th June, 2017 11.00 am

  • Meeting of Scrutiny for Policies and Place Committee, Tuesday 13th June 2017 11.00 am (Item 6.)

To receive an update on Flood and Water management in Somerset.


The Committee received a presentation from the Strategic Commissioning Manager – Community Infrastructure and the Service Manager – Flood Risk Management who together provided an overview and an update on the role and work of SCC as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA). It was noted at the outset that the structure of Flood and Water Management in England was complicated and a diagram was shown of the various local agencies and the roles they each played.


In its role as LLFA, the Council has a key statutory role to play in Flood and Water Management. The formation of the Somerset Rivers Authority (SRA) has helped facilitate collaboration between the various agencies and offers additional funding. The Council has been a key facilitator in progressing the SRA’s work and the Flood Action Plan.


The Committee were informed that the LLFA has set a number of strategic objectives including: maximising the benefit of spend in flood and water management, gaining as much funding as possible for schemes, ensuring maximum benefit of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) through the planning system, progressing with SRA work, working closely with other risk management authorities and increasing the profile of the LLFA. 


The presentation highlighted that the LLFA faces a number of upcoming challenges and opportunities including: exploring income generation; maximising funding in Somerset through the Flood Defence Grant in Aid, Local levy and SRA as well as testing a web based system developed by Dorset County Council which allows anyone to report and record flooding incidents. 


The Committee questioned whether SCC is advising planners and District Councils on SuDS.  It was confirmed that there is an arrangement in place to provide advice to Taunton Deane and West Somerset, guidance has been sent and District councils have been asked to implement this. SCC aims to be engaged through the planning process and is working on improving this engagement. A Member expressed disappointment that the SuDS guidance is advisory only. It was also highlighted by the Committee that there is a need for developers to maintain the SuDS that they implement.   


The Committee recognised the high level of funding provided through the EU and queried future funding provision following the EU referendum.  It was confirmed that current funding seems assured until 2020 but is uncertain beyond that.  It seems likely that additional funding through the EU may be lost but SCC is in constant dialogue about the importance of this funding. 


A Member queried how the work of the Flood Action groups could be better co-ordinated and integrated. The Strategic Commissioning Manager confirmed that a consistent approach was needed and agreed to look into this and respond directly to the Member. The Council was currently working to ascertain the below ground assets and the drainage network in Somerset


The Committee questioned who is responsible for making landowners aware of their riparian responsibilities.  SCC was aware that there was a lack of awareness among landowners and produced a guidance document (Living on the Edge). It was highlighted that it can be beneficial to take landowners to areas where gullies are flooding to see the impact it has and further illustrate the importance of their role in fulfilling their riparian responsibilities. A Member asked if the Council was liaising with neighbouring authorities and in particular Gloucester and it was reported that Somerset did regularly work with other bodies to share best practice and ideas.


The overall aim of the presentation was to highlight the various on-going works undertaken by the Council and in collaboration with others to make a positive difference to Flood risk management in Somerset. It was suggested that the work of the SRA be discussed at a future meeting of the Committee. The Committee accepted the update.